Norton and Emmy leading the way to dinner.

An old-school cathedral. Or rather, what's left of one.

Matt took this shot. Apparently, he enjoyed the juxtaposition of
the modern and the archaic. He is easily amused.

York's surrounded by a huge medieval wall. Which was, incidently,
not quite huge huge enough to stop Mel Gibson from sacking the
hell out of it.

A sentry turret on said wall.

A nice shot of the York Minster from the wall.

The Minster at night. Ooooh, eerie.

This photo didn't come out too well, but it was of a cholera graveyard. I'm not sure why
it enfatuated us so, but I believe Emmy suggested
it would make a good start to a
Cholera Graveyard Website. Hmm...

Ah, well. We said goodbye to Matt and Emmy after an afternoon of wacky antics,
and jumped back on the train northward. Next stop: Edinburgh, Scotland.

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