The next morning was easier for some than others. Thank God I had this
strawberry milkshake.

Dave, on the other hand, opts for the traditional German white
beer with white sausage.

Next on the plan was to hit a museum. Declan said that the
Military and Industry Museum was supposed to be cool. It wasn't.
Actually it sucked. All of the cool
German Military stuff was long since
destroyed. We tried to catch what we thought was a Queen laser show
at the planet-arium, but it turned out to be a lecture on local star groupings
and completely in German. But we were all able to catch a nice 45 minute
nap in the back, so we had that going for us. Here's a picture of Carl playing
with this cute little kid. Both were mesmerized by this simple interactive exhibit.

We were having lunch at the Haufbrauhuas Beer Hall when
Space Monkey pulled us back on track and reminded us
what we were here to do.

But first, a quick nap to rejuvenate.

Ok, look at this picture closely. From left to right is Declan, Carl,
NAZI NAZI NAZI!!, and Dave. While drinking in the rain (even at this point in
the afternoon, the Augustiner Beer Tent was full) this drunk German walked
over with a fried herring and asked to sit with us. Turns out that this guy was
a genuine, bonafide member of the German Nationalist Party. A.K.A. a Nazi.
This guy kept referring to Hitler as "Our great leader of the past" and managed
to somehow insult every single one of us in an odd "Hey, he seems nice, but I
think he may have just taken a shot at me" sort of way. He called Bush the
King of the Jews for our support of Israel. He called the Brits "Island Monkeys"
(Elaine had a slight problem with this). That sort of thing. So Faith spent this
portion of the afternoon trying to convince a drunk Nazi that his views were slightly
incorrect. Dave was focused on keeping Elaine from hitting the guy. I was more
interested in getting more beer and pretzels, while Declan's sardonic barbs were
either lost completely on this guy or he was just being ignored and/or marked
for later assassination.

Toward the end of the conversation Declan turned to me and said, "You going to
tell him they lost, or should I?"

After coming up with an excuse to ditch the Nazi, we decided to move on.

Here's a brief respite in that night's rain.

The crazy exesses of Oktoberfest were everywhere.

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