Here we are in lovely Palermo.

It's pretty urban and run-down, but like all of Sicily, it has it's fair share of gorgeous buildings.

And churches, of course. We walked in on this guy's wedding.

This was apparently quite a lovely piazza at one point. But now the fountian is all
boarded up and the buildings are a mess. Actually, most of Palermo was like this....

Oh well, we were soon out of there. After a day in Palermo, we caught a train to
the east side of the island. The entire trip across Sicily looked something like this.

Damn, they could have filmed Star Wars here. Now that i think about it, Tunesia
really isn't that far from here... (ha, that's a joke. get it?)

Anyway, we ended up midway up the eastern coast in a little town
called Catania. It has a pretty cool hostel there. Here we are later
that night downing a few Morettis and reading some Harry Potter

Catania is all about the market scene.

Using Catania as our "base of operations", we first headed south down
the coast ... to Syracusa. En route, we're enjoying a veritable banquet of
cheese, crackers and water.


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