Here's a quick shot of the island Ios. Only a brief stop, as the island we were interested in was...

Santorini! This place absolutely rocks. The entire island is actually a volcano that
rupted hundreds of years ago. The explosion was so powerful is pretty much
wiped out the entire Cretean empire. And it's a leading candidate for totalling Atlantis.
All that's left of the island is a cresent moon-shaped outline with a "donut hole" at the
very center of the volcano called the "caldera". That's it to the left there... that darker,
low-lying hill. In the above shot we're entering the hollowed out crater.

These Greeks are industrious, though. They continued to build towns that
balance percariously on the edges of the cliff walls. Oh, yeah... and did I mention
that the volcano is still active?

Here's a shot looking back where we came from, at one of the tips of the cresent.
That's the town of Oia atop the cliffs.

The cruise liner gives a good sense of perspective here... this is one hell of a crater.

After our amazing entrance into the island, we caught a ride up some absurdly
windy and steep cliff roads and found a place to stay. We also quickly procured
another moped to serve as our primary mode of transport.

And the next day we rode it down to the south of the island, to the famous
Red Beach.

Like another world. And it was nearly deserted.

The volcanic activity here gives Santorini three types of beaches: red, white and black.

Chillin out as the sun goes down.

Bad azz .

Afterwards we kept exploring the island. This is a great shot across the bay.
Remember, that lump in the middle is the center of the volcano... the cliff walls
teeming with towns surround the now ocean-filled crater. So in this shot, we're standing
on the east cliff wall looking west.

And here's a shot from the same spot, but looking north.

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