This part of the trip involved a bit of backtracking. First back to Athens, then to Patras.
Then back over to Brindisi and up the boot of Italy. But this time we headed further north,
through Milan and hit Switzerland from it's southern border.

You got all that, tough guy? Put the compass away. The train's going the right way.

But our 2-days of straight train and boat travel culminated in the most dynamic of
places... The Swiss Alps.

Everywhere you looked was just this massive gorgousness.

One of the many small town stops en route to the western part of the country.

I thought the Rockies were impressive...

.. but this place puts them to shame.

Look at those houses down there! Tiny!

Every window on the train seemed to have a different view.

Just amazing. The views made the trip seem so short. But soon
enough we found ourselves in Geneva


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