In the morning, after we shook off the train-cramps, we found ourselves in
lovely Seville. Perhaps the barber is through this arch...

Seville is actually filled with momuments and sights of interest. Here's a shot
through the trees of the Giralda, a minaret that is the only surviving piece of an old
mosque. It's now Seville's most recognised landmark and we'd be visiting it later.

But we spent our first afternoon in town wandering around
Reales Alcazares, an old Moorish palace.

At the time, we were very impressed by this place...

... and don't get me wrong - it's still gorgeous....

... but it would pale in comparison to the Alhambra in nearby Granada.

but still... look at this place.

... still damned impressive.

... and before we went to Granada, there was still plenty to
see here in Seville.

Outside, another shot of the Giralda.

Reales Alcazares was also surrounded by some huge gardens.

The palace grounds were both beautiful and extensive.

and filled with random fountains, houses and statues.

Not to mention some LUSH vegitation.

The surrounding palace walls were impressive in themselves.

The narrow, multi-tiered hallways echoed the labrynth they contained.
(that may not make sense...)

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